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SpringerLink is just ONE of our databases that provides researchers with access to millions of scientific documents from journals, books, series, protocols and reference works. We have access to over 55,000 research resources including materials for:
The Joseph F. Drake Memorial Learning Resource Center subscribes to a wide variety of online journals and databases, with FULL-TEXT access to thousands of scholarly journals. Please visit the research help page for tutorials and videos about finding scholarly articles online and in the LRC.
A library database is both an electronic catalog and an access point to information from published works.
Library databases provide access to resources across a wide spectrum of topic and subject areas.
Library databases provide access to published information sources. Examples: magazines, newspapers, encyclopedias, journals and other resources.
Library databases may provide access to either full-text articles and/or article abstracts.
Library databases are easily searchable. Database content may be searched by: Keywords, Title, Author, or Subject.
Library databases provide citation information such as:
Databases provide academically accepted materials for research purposes UNLIKE webpages.
Any AAMU student, faculty or staff member may access the database collection from either on campus or from home.
You must be a registered student, faculty or staff member to access the databases remotely (from home or anywhere off campus).
To access any eContent or eResources on- and off-campus, you must have a library account in order to access online databases off campus.
Please create your account here or click on My Account at the top of the Drake LRC Homepage to register.
If you have previously set-up your account, login using your A# and 4-digit PIN. If you cannot remember your PIN, click on the "Forgot your PIN?" option in the Login/My Account menu near the top of the page in order to have it emailed to you (the email account on file with us). Your PIN will be delivered within 5 minutes.
Once your account is registered/created, click on the resource you wish to view. You will be prompted to login.
*To change your PIN# or issues logging into electronic resources, email jaquatta.causey@aamu.edu for assistance.
*If there are issues accessing EBSCO or any databases, please email william.temmen@aamu.edu for assistance.