Bonding and Molecular Structure:
Acquaint students with ionic & covalent bonding, electronic structures of ions, octet rule & its exceptions, electronegativity & polarity, Lewis (dot) structure, resonance structures, bond order, bond energy, formal charge, covalent bond strengths, oxidation & its periodic variations, oxidation numbers and predicting molecular structure by using Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion, (VSEPR) theory.
Access Science - An online science and technology encyclopedia which may help you gain a basic understanding of your topic.
Springerlink - Springer provides access to a large variety of scientific documents including, articles, books, manuals, experiments, images, and many more in a variety of scientific disciplines.
CAS - Chemical Abstract Service - The CAS databases contain literature from many scientific disciplines including biomedical sciences, chemistry, engineering, materials science, agricultural science, and more.
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