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NRE 386-Principles of Wildlife Management: Course Intro

This course guide will help students in this course complete assignments with more completeness and in less time.

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Learning Outcomes

Core Competencies (Student Learning Outcomes):

In addition to averaging at least 70% for the overall course grade, students must show:

  1. Ability to define wildlife management, describe how wildlife management has developed over the past century, and discuss the fundamental biological, ecological and behavioral factors that impact free-roaming animals.
  2. Proficiency in developing a quantitative life table of demographic data to predict growth and other population parameters for wildlife populations.
  3. Mastery of knowledge of environmental factors and demographic factors that affect population growth, harvesting, and ecological relationships with other wildlife species.
  4. Ability to analyze a wild animal’s use of physical space and use quantitative approaches to measure and evaluate an animal’s home range area.
  5. Mastery of knowledge of the habitat requirements of wild animals in North America and the principle management methods used in various habitat types for wildlife populations.
  6. Demonstrate ability to collect reliable field data and literary information to write a research paper on wild animal behavior and a term paper on a wild animal’s life history traits and management methods


Subject Guide

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Information Literacy
4900 Meridian Street
Normal, AL 35762
(256) 372-4712