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The Freshman Academy: First Year Experience (FYE) - ORI 101: Home: Meet Your FYE Instructors

Mrs. Thedis Bryant

Mrs. Thedis W. Bryant, Assistant Director of Research, Public, and
Information Literacy Services. 


To the faculty members of AAMU: I am passionate about academic libraries and their goal to support the university mission of instruction, research, outreach, and Information Literacy. 

As the acting Assistant Director of Research, Public, and Information Literacy Services, I thrive in an environment that focuses on academic excellence, and establishing and cultivating strong, positive, and long-lasting relationships with faculty, students and library constituents. I am equally excited about the opportunity to step into a position that will utilize my years of experience coordinating, managing, and overseeing customized university library instructional programs.

My experience at Clemson University, Albany State (ASU), Georgia Southwestern State (GSW) and Alabama Agricultural & Mechanical University (AAMU) developed my ability to provide efficient and friendly instructional services in all disciplines to both graduate and undergraduate students.   I have taught in excess of 100 general and subject-specific library instruction classes to freshman students at Clemson University, GSW, and ASU. In addition, I coordinated and conducted many training sessions on utilizing proprietary online databases for academic research. In preparation for individual instructional sessions, I conducted extensive subject-specific research, to provide uniquely designed and customized training for faculty, staff, and students.  

My educational background is as follows: I am a 1984 graduate of Tuskegee Institute where I earned a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree in Business Administration and matriculated from Louisiana State University (LSU)  in 1995 with a Master of Library and Information Science (MLIS), and a Master of Business Administration (MBA) from Albany State University (ASU). In closing I bring more than 19 years of experience in the library profession in my role as Agriculture Reference Librarian at Clemson University, Collection Development Librarian at Georgia Southwestern State University (GSW), and Collection Development and Acquisitions Librarian at Albany State University.


My motto is “Be mindful of what you say to others, because once you say it, you can’t take it back.”  



