Students and faculty members can locate research matrials in WorldCat. WorldCat allows you to search for materials across the world. Once you have found a resource you can request access via interlibrary loan our home page or linked here.
The Joseph F. Drake Memorial Learning Resource Center subscribes to a wide variety of online and print journals and databases, with FULL-TEXT access to thousands of scholarly journals. Please visit the research help page for tutorials and videos about finding scholarly articles online and in the LRC.
The aim of the journal is to publish high quality articles and reviews on all aspects of research, practice and policy that inform and promote the sustainable management of forests and trees.
Northern Journal of Applied Forestry
Each regional journal of applied forestry focuses on research, practice, and techniques targeted to foresters and allied professionals in specific regions of the United States and Canada. The Northern Journal of Applied Forestry covers northeastern, midwestern, and boreal forests in the United States and Canada.
Use these online databases to find scholarly articles, statistics, reports, and other sources for your research projects.