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Keenan - CRJ 365 / Policing in America

This document is a course guide for Dr. Keenan's section of CRJ 365 / Policing in America. This guide has library resources that will help you develop your research.


Welcome to CRJ 365 Policing in America! Welcome to the Fall 2023 Semester! Welcome to the University!
Welcome to the College of Business and Public Affairs! Welcome to the Department of Social Sciences! My name is
Dr. Keenan, and I will be your instructor of record for this course.  I look forward to meeting and getting to know each of
you.  Let's have a great semester!

Getting Started with Research Help


Conducting research for papers and projects is an important part of the learning process.  This guide is designed to help our academic community prepare to be effective researchers and consumers of information.  The research process has been defined many times but the basic steps are the same regardless of your subject, location, or grade level.

Steps to conducting research:

1.   Identify your research needs

2.   Plan your research strategy and prepare to research

3.   Locate appropriate and scholarly information

4.   Evaluate your collected information

The tools and strategies discussed in this guide will help you to have academic success as a student , increase your information literacy skills, and develop excellent life-long information consumer habits.


Finding Scholarly Sources